I started to read "Norwegian Wood" by Murakami Haruki in English. This is actually the first time I read a Japanese book in English. I started to read the translated version as I wanted to know how the Japanese was translated. And since I started my work in translation, I noticed that how I perceive the book differs between American English and British English. In my opinion, I somehow find British English "odd" at times as I'm used to American English. It's hard to explain but I think subconsciously I feel a indifference when I read the different vocabulary and spellings. Small example, but there is a girl in the book and it said she has a "hair slide". I immediately knew that this was something to hold the hair but I couldn't imagine what it looked like so I looked it up in the dictionary and found out that it means hair clip in the U.S.. These differences may seem small in grammar or words but huge for me as a reader.
ノルウェイの森 Norwegian Wood
村上春樹の「ノルウェイの森」を英語で読み始めました。実は初めて英訳された日本語の本を読みます。なぜ英訳版を読み始めたかと言うと、日本語がどのように訳されるかを知りたかったため。そして翻訳活動をしてから気づいたのは、訳された本はアメリカ英語かイギリス英語によって私の捉え方が全く違うこと。個人的な意見ですが、アメリカ英語に慣れている私はイギリス英語の本はなんだか「不思議」に感じることがあります。説明しにくいのですが、恐らく慣れていない単語や綴りに無意識に違和感を感じているのじゃないかと思います。細かく例えると、こちらの作品の登場人物である女の子が「hair slide」をつけていました。私はこの単語は髪の毛を束ねる何かであるとすぐには分かったのですが、どんなものかは想像がつかなったので、辞書で調べたらアメリカではhair clip(ヘアクリップ)のことであると知りました。このような違いは文法・単語として些細ではありますが、読書である私にとっては大きな違いです。
I started to read "Norwegian Wood" by Murakami Haruki in English. This is actually the first time I read a Japanese book in English. I started to read the translated version as I wanted to know how the Japanese was translated. And since I started my work in translation, I noticed that how I perceive the book differs between American English and British English. In my opinion, I somehow find British English "odd" at times as I'm used to American English. It's hard to explain but I think subconsciously I feel a indifference when I read the different vocabulary and spellings. Small example, but there is a girl in the book and it said she has a "hair slide". I immediately knew that this was something to hold the hair but I couldn't imagine what it looked like so I looked it up in the dictionary and found out that it means hair clip in the U.S.. These differences may seem small in grammar or words but huge for me as a reader.
I started to read "Norwegian Wood" by Murakami Haruki in English. This is actually the first time I read a Japanese book in English. I started to read the translated version as I wanted to know how the Japanese was translated. And since I started my work in translation, I noticed that how I perceive the book differs between American English and British English. In my opinion, I somehow find British English "odd" at times as I'm used to American English. It's hard to explain but I think subconsciously I feel a indifference when I read the different vocabulary and spellings. Small example, but there is a girl in the book and it said she has a "hair slide". I immediately knew that this was something to hold the hair but I couldn't imagine what it looked like so I looked it up in the dictionary and found out that it means hair clip in the U.S.. These differences may seem small in grammar or words but huge for me as a reader.
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