France is famous for their baguettes and whenever E came to see me in Japan before we were married, bread was an issue for him. He used to complain that there were no good baguettes in Japan. Back then I only thought of it as him being really picky but after I moved to France, I finally understood what he was saying! We have boulangerie (bread store), Eric Kayser, near our house and it is amazing! A soft inside and a crusty outside :) Perhaps it's the difference in flour or the affect of the water but Japan can't make the same taste and texture baguette. My mom actually tried the Eric Kayser in Japan but she said it was different from the one in Paris. If you ever come to France, please try the baguette from Eric Kayser! (FYI they have a store in the famous department store Galerie Lafayette, but I won't recommend that one as it's not as great)
エリック・カイザー Eric Kayser
フランスと言えばバゲット!結婚前にEは日本にいる私に会いに来てくれましたが、毎回問題となったのがパン!日本には美味しいバゲットがないと嘆いていました。当時はこだわる人だな~としか思っていませんでしたが、パリに引っ越してからEの言うことがやっと分かりました!私たちのすぐ近くにはエリック・カイザーというブランジュリー(パン屋)があるのですが、これが本当に美味しい!!外はカリっと、中はモチモチ(^^)日本のバゲットは小麦が違うのか、水の影響なのか、なかなか同じ食感及び味が出来ません。 実際、日本にもエリック・カイザーがあるのですが、試した母曰く、パリのとは違うと。皆さんもフランスに立ち寄った際にはエリック・カイザーのバゲットを是非食べてください!(ちなみにパリの有名デパート、ガレリー・ラファエットにも店舗がありますが、そこは美味しくないのでお勧めしないです)
France is famous for their baguettes and whenever E came to see me in Japan before we were married, bread was an issue for him. He used to complain that there were no good baguettes in Japan. Back then I only thought of it as him being really picky but after I moved to France, I finally understood what he was saying! We have boulangerie (bread store), Eric Kayser, near our house and it is amazing! A soft inside and a crusty outside :) Perhaps it's the difference in flour or the affect of the water but Japan can't make the same taste and texture baguette. My mom actually tried the Eric Kayser in Japan but she said it was different from the one in Paris. If you ever come to France, please try the baguette from Eric Kayser! (FYI they have a store in the famous department store Galerie Lafayette, but I won't recommend that one as it's not as great)
France is famous for their baguettes and whenever E came to see me in Japan before we were married, bread was an issue for him. He used to complain that there were no good baguettes in Japan. Back then I only thought of it as him being really picky but after I moved to France, I finally understood what he was saying! We have boulangerie (bread store), Eric Kayser, near our house and it is amazing! A soft inside and a crusty outside :) Perhaps it's the difference in flour or the affect of the water but Japan can't make the same taste and texture baguette. My mom actually tried the Eric Kayser in Japan but she said it was different from the one in Paris. If you ever come to France, please try the baguette from Eric Kayser! (FYI they have a store in the famous department store Galerie Lafayette, but I won't recommend that one as it's not as great)
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